Dang Guti

Gone are the days when children used to play a game called Dang Guti. It is easy to play.Take only half a meter stick and a small mini stick and dig a finger-size hole on the ground and then draw half a meter line from the hole. Then placing the mini stick on top of the hole, you it strike far enough so that others cannot not hit the main stick with the mini stick from the point where it landed. After striking the mini stick the main stick needs to be placed on top of the hole to let others hit it with the mini stick. If it is hit, your turn is over and you have to give the strike to others, whoesever turn it may be. After striking the mini stick if the stick is not hit, then place the mini stick on top of the hole, and hit the edge of it with a gentle touch so that it will fly little above the ground and while it is still in the air strike it with the stick as hard as you could to a distance. If the mini stick falls on the ground before you hit it, then you turn is over. Then count the distance with the mini stick from the point where it landed to the hole. One mini tick distance means one game. It goes on like this. One can play until one can hit the stick. You have to give others to play only if they can hit the stick

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