These songs have been translated from others. Our own songs have not been recorded yet so it was not uploaded in this website.
01. Standing in The Promises
02. We bring sacrifices of praise
03. Create in me a clean heart O Lord
04. Jesus Name above all names
05. I Love You Lord
06. Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb
07. Draw Me Closer Lord
08. Give thanks
09. Father in Heaven
10. Lord I Lift Your Name on High
11. Cast Your Burden Onto Jesus
12. Blessed be the name of the Lord
13. This is the day
14. Thy Loving Kindness
15. As the deer panth for the water
16. I have decided to follow Jesus
17. Jesus make me, your dwelling/living place (Translated from Garo)
18. Celebrate Jesus Celebrate
19. Lord you are more precious than gold or silver
20. What the Lord Has Done For Me
21. All To Jesus I Surrender
22. Praise the Name of Jesus (lyrics by Buppy, music by Nyra)
23. Glorious Things of Thee are spoken
24. Trust and Obey
25. Song by Woodworth
26. The cleansing fountain
27. Low in the grave He lay
28. Amazing Grace
29. I will serve thee Because I love thee
30. Cast Your Burden onto Jesus
31. Blessed be the Name of the Lord Most High
32. You are Lord (Lyrics by Buppy)
33. You are my all in all
34. We wanna see Jesus lifted High
35. Show me your ways
36. This is my desire
37. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest
38. Glory, glory, glory in the highest
39. Great and Mighty is the Lord our God
40. Jesus Name Above All Names
41. You laid aside your majesty
42. God will make a way
43. Here I am to worship
44. Song by Hamburg
45. Song by Ovio
46. Come and ring those bells
47. Angels We Have Heard On High
48. Joy To The World
49. Silent Night, Holy Night
50. Hark! The Angels Sing
51. O Come, All Ye Faithful
52. Let us crown Him
53. Love, wonderful love
54. Jesus loves me, This I know
55. Revive us again
56. There shall be showers of blessings
57. Holy, holy, holy
58. Blessed Assurance
59. Great is Thy faithfulness
60. My life, my love, I give to Thee
61. To God be the Glory
62. My Master Was So Very Poor
63. When I survey the wonderous cross
64. Heaven Came Down
You can download all these lyrics at a time.